Locomotives I Have Known Hard Cover Dust jacket 1959
Locomotives I Have Known by JN Maskelyne Approx 12 x 9.75 inches. Notice the writing on the front page.
Hard Cover w/dust jacket (has damage around the edges)
133 pages
Copyright 1959
LB & SCR 0-6-0 TANK ENGINENo 57ThamesPages 2-3
LB & SCR o-6-o TANK ENGINENo 108 Jersey 4-5
LB & SCR 0-4-2 TANK ENGINENo 283 Aldgate6-7
LB & SCR 0-6-2 TANK ENGINENo 472 Fay Gate8-9
LB & SCR 4-4-2 TANK ENGINENo 2310-11
LB & SCR 4-6-2 TANK ENGINENo 325 Abergavenny 12-13
LB & SCR 4-6-4 TANK ENGINENo 333 Remembrance 14-15
LB & SCR 2-2-2 EXPRESS ENGINE No 326 Grosvenor16-17
LB & SCR 2-2-2 EXPRESS ENGINE No 329 Stephenson18-19
LB & SCR 4-4-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 316 Goldsmid20-21
LB & SCR 4-4-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 70 Hollyrood22-23
LB & SCR 4-4-2 EXPRESS ENGINE No 42124-25
LB & SCR 0-6-0 GOODS ENGINENo 42726-27
L & SWR 2-4-0 TANK ENGINENo 0298 28-29
L & SWR 4-4-2 TANK ENGINENo 6030-31
L & SWR 0-4-2 MIXED TRAFFIC ENGINE No 537 32-33
L & SWR 4-4-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 682 34-35
L & SWR 4-4-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 70236-37
L & SWR 0-4-4 TANK ENGINENo 138-39
L & SWR 0-4-4 TANK ENGINENo 32840-41
L & SWR 0-4-4 TANK ENGINENo 23242-43
L & SWR 4-6-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 45844-45
SECR2-4-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 51246-47
SECRo-4-4 TANK ENGINENo 548 49
SECR0-6-0 GOODS ENGINENo 71250-51
SECR4-4-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 198 52-53
SECR4-4-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 73754-55
SECR4-4-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 51656-57
GWR0-6-0 GOODS ENGINENo 2758-59
GWR0-6-0 GOODS ENGINENo 2515 60-61
GWR2-4-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 73 Isis64-65
GWR4-4-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 3407 Madras66-67
GWR4-4-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 3283 Comet68-69
GWR4-4-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 3440 City of Truro 70-71
GWR4-4-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 3297 Earl Cawdor72-73
GWR4-2-2 EXPRESS ENGINE No 3047 Lorna Doone 74-75
GWR4-2-2 EXPRESS ENGINE No 3027 Worcester76-77
GWR4-2-2 EXPRESS ENGINE No 3049 Nelson78-79
GWR4-6-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 2920 Saint David80-81
GWR4-6-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 4001 Dog Star82-83
GWR4-6-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 7007 Great Western84-85
LNWR 2-2-2 EXPRESS ENGINE No 3020 Cornwall86-87
LNWR 2-4-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 790 Hardwicke88-89
LNWR 0-6-2 TANK ENGINENo 1690-91
LNWR 4-4-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 1939 Temeraire92-93
LNWR 4-4-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 1 Clive 94-95
LNWR 4-4-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 1371 Quail 96-97
LNWR 4-6-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 2499 Patience98-99
GNR0-4-4 TANK ENGINENo 767100-101
GNR4-4-2 EXPRESS ENGINE No 990 Henry Oakley 102-103
GNR4-4-2 EXPRESS ENGINE No 1442104-105
GER2-4-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 1030 106-107
GER4-4-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 1900 Claud Hamilton108-109
GER4-2-2 EXPRESS ENGINE No 11110-111
MR0-4-4 TANK ENGINENo 1204 112-113
MR2-4-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 815114-115
MR4-2-2 EXPRESS ENGINE No 1855 116-117
GCR4-2-2 EXPRESS ENGINE No 267118-119
GCR2-8-0 FREIGHT ENGINE No 1120-121
NER4-4-0 EXPRESS ENGINE No 1870 122-123
MDR4-4-0 TANK ENGINENo 34124-125
NLR4-4-0 TANK ENGINENo 20126-127
CLR0-6-0 TANK ENGINENo 1128-129
L & YR 4-4-2 EXPRESS ENGINE No 718130-131
CR4-2-2 EXPRESS ENGINE No 123132-133
WHAT has come to be known as Locomotive Enthusiasm is a phenomenon that first showed itself in the early years of the steam locomotive-say, 13o years ago. It spread rapidly to all sections of the community, and today there are comparatively few technically-minded individuals, professional and amateur, and of any age, who are not affected to a greater or less degree by the almost irresistible attractions of the steam locomotive. The truth of this is plain enough in the sight of all those assemblages of young and not-so-young enthusiasts who congregate at railway stations and other lineside points of vantage, bent on nothing but watching the trains and taking down the names and numbers of the engines that haul them.
The reasons for the locomotive's attractions, and why they should be so potently fascinating, are intangible and seem to defy any attempt to explain them; but it is a fact that even among professional locomotive engineers, railway enginemen and other grades of railway staff, there are many whose affection and admiration for the steam locomotive have grown to such an extent that they are probably without parallel in any other profession. Most of these people would admit that their love for railway engines dates from their early childhood and became something of an obsession in later life.
And so it is with many thousands of amateurs, most of whom have had no mechanical training and are in no way engaged in any form of engineering. Yet large numbers have joined the ever-growing multitude of railway enthusiasts whose hobby of studying railways and engines is catered for, in all its multifarious aspects, by associations, clubs and societies spread all over the world.
The author of this book, although an engineer by education, training and profession, is an amateur, in the sense that he has never been connected with any railway. But, for more than 4o years, he has been closely associated with the model engineering hobby, and for nearly a quarter of a century, prior to his retirement from business, he served that hobby as Editor of MODEL RAILWAY NEWS and Technical Editor of MODEL ENGINEER. Much of the time that could be spared from editorial and other duties was devoted to the making of drawings of steam locomotives, in order, as he puts it, to enable model locomotive enthusiasts to improve and vary their models.
Some of the results of this, a life's work, are displayed in the following pages, all of them reprints from a long series of articles published in MODEL ENGINEER under the same title as that of this book. Each is accompanied by a technical description of the locomotive concerned and some notes based mostly on personal recollections and observations.
Together, they have involved an immense amount of research and they represent but one aspect of the power of the steam locomotive's inherent fascination; their variety is extensive, and in all probability their usefulness will reach far beyond the readership for which the author intended them. Perhaps they may best be described as a labour of love that will find its goal in the future; for, although the old and trusty steam locomotive is, at the moment, being gradually but relentlessly ousted by newer forms of motive power, its interest seems likely to endure for a great many years after it has ceased to exist.
The Author and the Publishers are to be congratulated on this valuable work. I recommend it to all interested in a great and wonderful achievement-The Steam Locomotive.
R. A. RIDDLES, Formerly Member of the Railway Executive for Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. Past President of the Institution of Locomotive Engineers.
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