In Fair Weather and in Foul by Colin Smith 30 years of Scottish passenger ships

  • $9.50

RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
In Fair Weather and in Foul by Colin Smith 30 years of Scottish passenger ships
In Fair Weather and in Foul by Colin Smith 30 years of Scottish passenger ships and ferries
Soft Cover
Copyright 1999
128 pages Indexed

Chapter 1The Firth of Clyde
"Floreat Clutha"
The "Railway Steamers"
The Car Ferry Revolution
The Wind of Change Gathers Force Back Doors to Bute and Cumbrae Western Ferries arrive on the Clyde
Chapter 2The West Highlands
"MacBrayne's for the Highlands"
The Old Stagers
MacBrayne's Red Boats
MacBrayne Cargo Services
New Car Ferries for the West Highlands The Wind of Change Begins to blow
Chapter 3Unification
New Ships for Old
Island Class Car Ferries
Double Enders and Drive Throughs Over the Sea to Skye
Into the Nineties
The 21st Century in Sight
A Proud Heritage Lives On
By the Bonny Banks
From the Clyde to the Forth Ferries Galore
Summer Butterflies
Towards the New Millennium
Chapter 4Orkney and Shetland
Up Helly Aa
The Only Change You'll Notice
The Car Ferry era comes to Shetland P&O Freight Ferries
Shetland Island Ferries Falling Foul at Foula Change comes to Orkney Orcadian Earls
Other Northern Isles Operators
Chapter 5The Future
Towards the New Millennium The Race for the North
Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3
Further Reading126
Major Vessels and their Routes127
Index of Ships128

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