Freight Terminals & Trains by John A. Droege SC 1912 Reprinted 1998 NMRA

  • $55.00

RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
Freight Terminals & Trains by John A. Droege SC 1912 Reprinted 1998 NMRA
Freight Terminals & Trains by John A. Droege SC 1912 Reprinted 1998 NMRA
567 Pages
Copyright 1912, 1925
Reprinted 1998
By John A. Droege
Soft Cover
Since 1912, when "Freight Terminals and Trains" was published, replacing and enlarging its predecessor, "Yards and Terminals," the many interesting developments in the field of transportation have necesthis revision. Some new ideas have been advanced which have stood the acid test of time and there has been development and refineof earlier recognized methods. The basic principles heretofore recorded governing the design and operation of railroad facilities have generally remained unchanged. Where warranting more than passing mention, full descriptions and views of recently designed facilities, typifynew developments, have been included. Chapters on "Electrical Operation" and "Integration of Freight Transportation" have been added, reviewing the progress made in the use of electricity as a means of train propulsion, and treating of the widely discussed question-the use of adaptations of the motor truck to supplement rail transportation. The companion volume "Passenger Terminals and Trains" treats more particularly of passenger service and facilities which necessarily interlock to some extent with those described in this volume. The object is to produce two volumes covering the whole field of operation of freight and passenger train service, the design, construction and maintenance of terminals and accessories, with a discussion of the plans of organization and operating methods, while avoiding unnecessary duplication.
  • I..The Terminal Problem  1
  • II.Terms and Definitions  14
  • III..General Requirements of Terminal Design 19
  • IV.Track Construction and Maintenance Details  41
  • V.Classification Yards  63
  • VI.Operation of Yards 94
  • VII..The Yardmaster 119
  • VIII.Management and Discipline 130
  • IX..Loading Cars  145
  • X..Makeup and Movement of Trains  154
  • XI..Time-freight Service  182
  • XII.Team-delivery Yards 195
  • XIII.Live-stock Handling  206
  • XIV..Weighing Freight  217
  • XV..Records and Statistics  230
  • XVI.Water-front Terminals  245
  • XVII..Coal Piers and Storage Plants 262
  • XVIII.Ore and Lumber Docks 276
  • XIX..Grain Elevators  286
  • XX.Freight Houses  297
  • XXI..British Freight Service  332
  • XXII.Mechanical Handling of Merchandise Freight  354
  • XXIII.Transfer Stations 378
  • XXIV.The Freight Agent 391
  • XXV.Operation of Freight Houses 400
  • XXVI.Refrigerating, Ventilating and Heating  412
  • XXVII..The Engine House 426
The Engine-house Foreman  453

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