Engineer, The Vol #125 From January to June 1918 Hard Cover Oversized
Hard Cover
Over-Sized Book Apprpx 11 X 16 inches
570 Pages
Copyright 1918
Volume #125
Published in London
PLEASE SEE PHOTOS TO ASSESS THE BOOKS CONDITION. Some pages have been folded. over.
This is a large over-sized bound volume of The Engineer containing issues from January-June 1918. Below is a sample of the contents for pages 1-22 for Jan. 1918. For more information on the contents of this book please refer to the following web page guide:
Many photos, pull-out diagrams & advertisers.
Main Subjects
1917 and the Question of Ships, p 14.
British Agricultural Tractors and Haulers - (No. IV), p 4 and 10. (Illustrated).
Ivel Agricultural Motors .
Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co .
December, p 1.
New Dock Schemes - Joseph Bellamy .
Future of Chemical Trades.
Mid-Scotland Ship Canal.
Coal and Electricity.
Shop Stewards.
Aeronautical Activity.
Air Council - Henry Fowler .
Naval Events.
Aircraft Construction.
The Shipyards.
Coal Mining.
Editorial, p 11.
1918 - A Prospect.
The Submarine campaign.
The Industrial Prospect.
Irrigation Scheme on the River Murray, p 15. (Illustrated).
Premier Gas Engine Co .
G. Weymouth Propty .
Iron, Steel and Engineering Industries in 1917 - (No. I), p 1.
Italian Naval Aircraft, p 6. (Illustrated).
Letters to the Editor, p 17.
Patent Law Reform - James Keith .
The M.I.D. - Charles Hyde Beadle .
The Rarer Key Minerals - BTH , Sydney J. Johnstone .
Ministry of Munitions - Orders, p 21.
Naval Notes, p 20.
Obituary - William Heerlein Lindley , p 8.
Obituary - George Smith (1841-1918) , p 8.
Patents, p 21.
Stephens Evans Alley .
William John Rodgerson .
Alfred Herbert .
Bernard Joseph Spink .
Brown, Boveri and Co .
Charles Algernon Parsons .
Special Train for Director-General - North Eastern Railway , p 16 and 10a. (Illustrated).
State Control of American Railways, p 16.