Crimson Sky The Air Battle for Korea by John R Bruning from POTOMAC’S the Histor

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Crimson Sky The Air Battle for Korea by John R Bruning from POTOMAC’S the Histor
Crimson Sky The Air Battle for Korea by John R Bruning from POTOMACS the History of War Series
Soft Cover
232 pages
Copyright 1999, 2000, 2005
Introduction   xii
1 The First Jet Kills1
2 The Birth of Combat SAR11
3 Fighting 53 Goes to War22
4 Into the Tiger's Jaws39
5 Home by Christmas57
6 The Finest Kind of Honor63
7 Carlson's Tigers75
8 The Bridge Busters82
9 The Battle of Carlson's Canyon88
10 The Dam Busters93
11 Night Intruders105
12 A Fighter Pilot's Heart116
13 Prelude to Black Tuesday127
14 MiG Trap133
15 Death Ride to Namsi42
16 Horizontal Flak150
17 Payback 167
18 More Guts than the Law Allows180
19 Stalemate in the Air190
20 The Edge of Disaster195
21 The Soviet Riddle203
22 The Hybrid War   208
Bibliography  219
About the Author232
The Korean War frequently has been called the "Forgotten War." Not only has it been forgotten by the American public at large but also by the military. Even worse for the historian, the lack of attention to this war extends to the military archives. In Montgomery, Alabama at Maxwell Air Force Base, the USAF Historical Research Agency has some of the best-organized World War II records anywhere. Conversely, the Korean records are very disorganized. Wading through them is a nightmare.
The National Archives in Washington, D.C., presents an even greater challenge. Recently, hundreds of boxes containing documents from the Korean War era were transferred to the National Archives from various Air Force repositories. The boxes are disorganized and generally uncataloged. There is faint hope for seeing this collection accessioned anytime soon because the Archives and the Air Force are fighting over who should pay to have the work done. As a result, information that could prove of immense value to historians is currently almost inaccessible. When I was at the National Archives during the summer of 1997, I waded through many of these boxes. Thousands of pages of documents had been randomly thrown into ragged cardboard packing boxes.
Compounding the situation is the fact that, throughout the Korean War, the squadrons doing the fighting frequently did not keep thorough records of their combat experiences, unlike the usually meticulous efforts by their World War II counterparts to do so. Some of the available documents from Air Force squadrons deal more with routine matters than they do with combat operations. Discussions of important missions sometimes consist of only a paragraph or two.
Because of the lack of accessible records, all this meant that the memories of those who fought the war were critically important to this book project. In fact, I could not have written the book without the generous assistance of Harold Carlson, Bob Wayne, Paul van Boven, Dick Heyman, Charles Darrow, Charlie Mitson, Ed Laney, Al Dymock, Nate Curry, Dave Rowlands, Tom Hudner, Eben Dobson, Joe Conley, Doug Evans, Fred Beissner, Emil Goldbeck, Jim Kirkendall, Warren Lawyer, Sumner Whitten, and Robert Dewald. Lil Booker gladly told me about her husband Jesse's experiences and sent me much information on his career.

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