Classic Trains 2002 Spring Big Boy Grand Central Diesels down south

  • $7.50

RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
Classic Trains 2002 Spring Big Boy Grand Central Diesels down south
Classic Trains Spring 2002 Vol 3 #1
Approx 98 pages

One Fine Day in Franklin Canyon By Robert S. McGonigal A doubleheader on a reefer block approaches Santa Fe's longest tunnel on the last lap to the Coast.

Iowa Getaway By J. David Ingles A 1965 college-semester-break trip to find a Chicago Great Western Alco resulted in much, much more.

Big Boys West from Cheyenne By Henry R. Griffiths Jr. Climb aboard a Union Pacific 4-8-8-4 leading a doubleheader up Sherman Hill in 1952.

My Summer in the Gold Cage By Theodore C. Doege A New York Central job in Grand Central Terminal's information booth led to a summer romance and a 4-8-4 cab ride.
Great Photographers: David W. Salter, a Color Pioneer in the South By John Gruber He has made railroad photos coast-to-coast, but his Georgia time in the 1960s was most productive.

Bad Coal By Ben F. Anthony When inferior fuel laid low a mighty Nickel Plate Road 2-8-4 on the run from Lima to Bellevue, Ohio.

Storming Blackwater Canyon By Edward Theisinger In 1952, seven Western Maryland 2-8-0's wrestle a 78-car train up a remote 3 percent grade.

The Victimized Hudson By Ed King, Jim Scribbins Why did the running gear of Milwaukee Road 4-6-4 102 fly apart at over 90 mph?

How Fast Could They Go? By Ed King, Jim Scribbins Milwaukee Road's Atlantics and Hudsons routinely ran at 100 mph-and sometimes much faster.

Five on Film By Paul Carpenito Ever capture five trains moving on one frame of film? In 1969, it happened to a lucky teenager in Elizabeth, N.J.

Ghosts in the Piney Woods By Glen Brewer Visits to east Texas lumber road Moscow, Camden & San Augustine were a step back in time.

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