Farewell to Steam in Canada by N H Mika Canadian Steam
Farewell to Steam in Canada by N H Mika Canadian Steam Locomotives in story and pictures
Soft Cover
Copyright 1965. The 20 color plates in this book are hand screened by Mika Studios.
90 pages.
Preface 5
The End of the Steam Era 7
Canada's Pioneer Railways 9
Early Developments 17
The Great Western Railway 21
The Grand Trunk Railway 25
The Intercolonial Railway 31
Of Locomotives, Trains and Travel 33
The Canadian Pacific Railway 38
Locomotives of the Canadian Pacific Railway 41
Ancestors of the Canadian National Railway 48
Locomotives of the Canadian National Railway 51
Farewell to Steam 57
Milestones in Early Canadian Railroad History 60
Interesting Facts about Railways in Canada 63
Index 67
1) Selkirk Type No. 5900 — 1929 (CPR)
2) Jubilee Type No. 2911 — 1937 (CPR)
3) Pacific Type No. 2400 — 1942 (CPR)
1) "Dorchester", serving Canada's First Railways — 1836
2) "Toronto", First Locomotive built in Canada — 1853
3) Woodburner No. 255 — 1867 (GTR)
4) 10-Wheeler No. 1405 — 1912 (CNR)
5) Pacific Type No. 5107 — 1919 (CNR)
6) Santa Fe Type No 4100 — 1924 (CNR)
7) Northern Type No. 6400 — 1936 (CNR)
8) Hudson Type No. 5704 — 1930 (CNR)
9) Northern Type No. 6167 — 1940 (CNR)
10) Mountain Type No. 6060 — 1944 (CNR)
11) "Countess of Dufterin", Pioneer Locomotive — 1872 (CPR)
12) "Lucy Dalton", First Engine in North Bay District — 1871
13) Eight-Wheeler No. 29 — 1887 (CPR)
14) Ten-Wheeler No. 923 — 1910 (CPR)
15) Santa Fe Type No. 5802 — 1919 (CPR)
16) Mikado Type No. 5365 — 1926 (CPR)
17) Hudson Type No. 2810 — 1930 (CPR)
18) Jubilee Type No. 3000 — 1936 (CPR)
19) Royal Hudson No. 2850 — 1938 (CPR)
20) Selkirk Type No. 5935 — 1949 (CPR)
This book is meant to be a tribute to the steam locomotives of yesterday which helped to shape Canada into a mighty nation and turned the wastelands into thriving prospering communities.
It is a short history of railroads in Canada from its glorious beginning to the end of the steam era. By no means do I claim it to be a complete account, but I hope it will help to keep alive the admiration for one of men's most ingenious inventions, the "Iron Horse". It was written and illustrated not only for the railroad enthusiast but also for a younger generation who never had a chance to see a smoke belching steam locomotive pull a train across the country side.
I wish to thank the librarians and staff of the following libraries for their valuable assistance given to me in gathering data and material for this book: Canadian National Railway Research Library. Montreal, Quebec.
Canadian Pacific Railway Library, Montreal, Quebec.
Belleville Public Library, Belleville, Ontario.
My sincere appreciation also goes to Mr. A. A. Merrilees of Toronto, and Mr. A. Clegg of Montreal for allowing me to use some of their valuable files, clippings and picture material for my research work.
Last, but not least, I wish to express my thanks to the many railroaders from the Belleville area, Mr. A. G. Cooper in particular, who helped me collect in formation and material, and to my wife Helma who assisted me in writing this book.
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