Along The Rails Lore & Romance of the Railroad DJ 2000

  • $11.64

RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
Along The Rails Lore & Romance of the Railroad DJ 2000
Along The Rails Lore & Romance of the Railroad By Brian Solomon with CJ Riley Dust Jacket 2000  128 Pages
The power and romance of the train is undeniable. The steam railway is captivating and entrancing. A product and ultimately an integral component of the industrial revolution, railroads have had a tremendous impact on everyday life.
The railway was born in the north of England during the early nineteenth century and within five decades had spread to nearly every corner of the civilized world. The industry attracted many talented people: insightful visionaries who conceived of ever better ways to transport goods and people; engineers who overcame technical challenges; businessmen and financiers who raised capital to build the lines and locomotives; able-bodied laborers who risked life and limb to construct the right of way, tracks, and structures that comprise the railway infrastructure; and the brave railroaders themselves, the people who operated the trains. Railroading is a dangerous business, and those involved have had innumerable adventures in the course of carrying out their daily duties. Those adventures form the base of this fascinating collection of railroad lore: tales of daring, danger, triumph, and tragedy.
The railroading industry has developed an astonishingly rich culture and lore in a relatively short span of time. In the course of less than two hundred years, the railways have inspired thousands of stories. Railroaders have developed a distinctive lingo, creating a unique language. Railroad lore is far more than just a historical accounting of railroad building and operations; it includes the intrigue, the myths, the songs, the poems, and even the advertising slogans that embrace the railroad culture and its people, trains, locomotives, stations, and tracks. Railroad lore is the work of thousands of storytellers, photographers, songwriters, and poets. It is made up of the combined experience of everyone who has ever been touched by the railroad.
The colorful and eclectic text in this volume touches on some of the highlights of a rich and vivid industry-one that is still very much alive in most parts of the world, and continues to create new stories every day.

All pictures are of the actual item.  If this is a railroad item, this material is obsolete and no longer in use by the railroad.  Please email with questions. Publishers of Train Shed Cyclopedias and Stephans Railroad Directories. Large inventory of railroad books and magazines. Thank you for buying from us.

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