Alistair MacLean Athabasca A Novel Ex-Library book With dust jacket

  • $6.50

RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
Alistair MacLean Athabasca A Novel Ex-Library book With dust jacket
Alistair MacLean Athabasca
Hard Cover w/ dust jacket (has plastic covering
326 pages
Copyright 1980
Chapter 1 -Chapter 16
In his new novel, Alistair MacLean does for Alaska and its oil producing industry what he did in his previous books for the Rocky Mountains, California, the Gulf of Mexico, Nazi-occupied Europe, the sea, the circus, spying, making war, making love, making out. And, that means adventure with a capital "A." ATHABASCA rivals anything this enormously popular author has written.
Set along the far reaches of Alaska's Arctic shore, amid the frozen, oil-rich tar sands of Athabasca and along the Alaskan pipeline, this fast-moving tale of men who blackmail, murder and hold the pipeline hostage makes for spellbinding, snow-blinding action. And an American hero, an ex-runaway oil-well fire fighter, gone to fat, fancy living and daiquiris, needs all the help (and the heroism) he can get from two canny assistants, to cap a runaway situation.
ATHABASCA is MacLean at the top of his form-amazing twists of plot, almost unbearable suspense, an exotic locale-writing a story that whips like the winds of Athabasca itself.
A quarter of a century ago an unknown writer was catapulted to instant fame with the publication of his novel, H.M.S. Ulysses. Since then Alistair MacLean has ruled international best-seller lists as the master of daredevil adventure and suspense. His unbroken string of successful novels-from The Guns of Navarone and Ice Station Zebra to Where Eagles Dare and Breakheart Pass-have thrilled millions of readers and moviegoers.

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