Album Of Western Locomotives Guy Dunscomb Soft Cover

  • $18.50

RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
Album Of Western Locomotives Guy Dunscomb Soft Cover
Album Of Western Locomotives Guy Dunscomb
Soft Cover Stapled
56 pages.  
TODAY, in these United States, there exists a segment of our male , population, about two hundred thousand in number, whose avocation is railroads or railroading like the hobbies of fishing, stamp collecting, "hot rods," amateur radio or mountain climbing, it is such that it would consume considerably more time if it were not necessary, as a matter of incident, to earn a living. The particular hobbyists of whom we are speaking are known as "radians." The more formal journalists call us railroad enthusiasts. Railroad officials call us other things.
The activities of these radians are as varied as the imagination would care to suggest. There are collectors of almost any form of railroad material (known as "railroadiona") that can be carted away for storage in some basement, den or attic, against the time when there will be an elaborate room exclusively set apart for such a collection. "Railroadiana" includes everything from a three-hundred pound switch stand, or a brass air-brake handle, number plate, whistle-card or bell from an abandoned locomotive, to timetable, pass, or expired street car (but not bus!) transfer; everything from an outdated Official Guide or Equipment Register to a handful of greasy, illegible train orders, rule book, spikes, or a chunk of roil. But the older the better.
Also numbered among the collectors is the somewhat less predatory but no less enthusiastic breed known as the picture-fan. Here again the imagination is given full throttle. There are some who, if possible, would have a photograph, or preferably a negative, of EVERY locomotive ever to turn a wheel; there are others who confine their interests to some special railroad, or some special state or area. There are still others who collect pictures of only the smaller lines, and some known as "juice fans" who are interested only in interurban or street car lines, and who merely tolerate anything propelled by energy other than electricity.
These picture-taking railfans are further segregated into the group that will shoot anything on rails with a drug-store box camera and be stock-and have many very tine pictures to show for it.
Lastly, there are those among us who do not collect anything or take pictures of anything. They just like to be around a locomotive, station or a freight yard, or to ride o train, to smell the hot oil and steam, or the acrid odor of burning brakeshoes, or (much to the disgust of the hind brakeman) ride the rear platform just listening to the clickety-clack and roar and crash of heavy trucks pounding over rail-joints and switches, and watching the block signals flash from green to red. The more avid of this latter group hit the ground at every stop and "supervise" the taking of water or change of engines, or cutting in of a helper.
So the numbers of the true railfan are legion. From early boyhood until very late in life many have a longing for the trains in one form or another. There are many different opinions about the merits of steam power, diesel power, and so forth, and there one those who will argue far into the night about what should have been done nr what the future holds Rut Progress, in its own way, means change, and thus change is inevitable. And so, to the many railfans, in all walks of life, who would like to cherish and remember the character and pride of a group of distinctively Western locomotives (and the railroads on which they ran) that served the West well and did their port toward its growth, we hereby dedicate this Album of Western Locomotives in the hope that you, the reader, will enjoy it, and the memories that these fifty-six engines might bring to you.
All pictures are of the actual item.  There may be reflection from the lights in some photos.   We try to take photos of any damage.    If this is a railroad item, this material is obsolete and no longer in use by the railroad.  Please email with questions. Publishers of Train Shed Cyclopedias and Stephans Railroad Directories. Large inventory of railroad books and magazines. Thank you for buying from us.

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