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1994 - 1995 Transit Fact Book 174 pages

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1994 - 1995 Transit Fact Book 174 pages
1994 - 1995 Transit Fact Book 174 pages
The American Public Transit Association (APTA) and its predecessor has published the Transit Fact Book since 1942. APTA obtains data from member transit systems in the United States and uses these figures to estimate trends for all United States transit systems. The Transit Fact Book also contains data for Canadian transit systems provided by the Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA).
This book includes aggregate information for all transit systems in the United States. Non-transit services such as taxicab, school bus, unregulated jitney, sightseeing bus, intercity bus, and special application mass transportation systems (e.g., amusement parks, airports, and international, rural, rural interstate, island, and urban park ferries) are excluded from all tables.
Except as noted, prior-to-1984 data exclude commuter railroad, automated guideway, urban ferry boat, and demand response, as well as most transit systems outside of urbanized areas. Data for these systems were not available prior to that date; accordingly, all data tables are non-continuous between 1983 and 1984.
Federal government funding data are based on reports prepared by the United States Department of Transportation.
Most data reported in the section on Canadian Statistics are taken from Summary of Canadian Transit Statistics and predecessor documents published by the Canadian Urban Transit Association. Data in the two fixed guideway tables were obtained from an APTA survey. This section is the only place where Canadian data appear.
Prior to 1984, data are based on information voluntarily provided by APTA member transit systems. All data are expanded by standard statistical methods to provide estimates of statistical trends for all transit systems.
Beginning in 1984, data are also based on the annual National Transit Database (NTD) report published by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). This document is the annual summary of reports submitted to FTA to comply with requirements of the
Federal Transit Act; prior to 1994 it was called the Section 15 report.
APTA continues to conduct surveys to obtain data for various tables that are not collected in the NTD.
Beginning in 1984, motor bus and demand response data are calculated based on 1980 U.S. Census Bureau urbanized area population categories to allow for variances in data by size of area. Beginning in 1990, urbanized areas designated by the 1990 census are used.
Beginning in 1984, only active vehicles are counted in vehicle tables to conform with data reported to FTA.
The initial adoption of the NTD requirements effective in 1979 resulted in several alterations to previous transit recordkeeping practices. Passenger data are collected for NTD by a sample survey technique not normally used by transit systems prior to NTD implementation. This has resulted in a break in the continuity of APTA Passenger Trip data between 1980 and earlier years. Passenger Trip data reported are Total Passenger Rides before 1980 and Unlinked Transit Passenger Trips beginning in 1980.
Salaries and Wages data prior to 1977 include employee compensation in the form of paid sick leave, paid vacation time, and paid holidays. Beginning in 1977 these compensation types are included in Fringe Benefit costs. Prior to 1980, the Number of Employees is the average number of persons during the year. Beginning in 1980, the Number of Employees is based on the concept of Employee Equivalents where each Employee Equivalent is equal to 2,080 labor hours. Beginning in 1993, the Number of Employees is based on the actual number of persons at the end of the fiscal year.
Because of the time required for transit systems to compile and report the large amount of data for this book, data for the last calendar year reported are preliminary and will be refined when additional data become available. Changes in data reported for prior years, evident when comparing this book to previous editions, were made from subsequent availability of additional or updated data.
APTA is the recognized source for statistical data and information about transit in the United States. It is an international organization of transit systems and related organizations in the United States, Canada, and other countries. APTA members serve the public interest by providing safe, efficient, and economical transit services, and by improving those services to meet national energy, environmental, and financial concerns. Over ninety percent of persons using urban public transit in the United States are carried by APTA members.
APTA members total over 1,000 and include motor bus and rapid transit systems, organizations responsible for planning, designing, constructing, financing, and operating transit systems, business organizations which supply products and services to transit, academic institutions, and state associations and departments of transportation.
Formed on a cooperative, nonprofit basis, APTA's objectives are:
to represent the public interest in improving transit for all persons;
to represent the interests, common policies, requirements, and purposes of the operators of public transit;
to provide a medium for exchange of experiences, discussion, and comparative study of public transit affairs;
to promote research and investigation to the end of improving public transit;
to aid members in dealing with special issues;
to encourage cooperation among its members, their employees, and the general public;
to encourage compliance with the letter and spirit of equal opportunity principles;
to collect, compile, and make available to members data and information relative to public transit;
to assist in the training, education, and professional development of all persons involved in public transit; and,
to engage in any other activities which will serve the members and promote public transit.
APTA is organized to function on behalf of all of transit's diversified interests. It is governed by a Board of Directors with voting control and authority vested in transit policy board members, transit operating officials, and associate members who are elected by the membership.

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