Whishaw's Railways of Great Britain and Ireland 1842 By Francis Whishaw w/DJ

Whishaw's Railways of Great Britain and Ireland 1842 By Francis Whishaw w/DJ

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Whishaw's Railways of Great Britain and Ireland 1842 By Francis Whishaw DJ
Whishaws Railways of Great Britain and Ireland 1842 By Francis Whishaw Dust Jacket A reprint 1969. Practically described and illustrated.  SECOND edition with some additional useful plates.  1843 original publishing date. 500 pages, 16 plates (one large fold out)


ARBROATH AND FORFAR RAILWAY Description of, page 1. Experiments on, 443. Traffic in passengers and merchandise when first opened, 1. Fares, general direction, curves, levels, 2. Inclinations, gauge, permanent way, fencing, bridges, 3. Distance-standards, earthworks, stations, and depot, width of land, 4. Carriage-department, annual cost, establishment, locomotive-department, 5. Coke, acts of parliament, capital, opening of the line, revenue, goods and passenger-traffic for fifteen months, 6.

ARDROSSAN AND JOHNSTON RAILWAY - Description of, 6. Gauge, act of parliament, course of line and curvature, inclinations, 7. Earthworks, bridges, level crossings, permanent way, 8. Fencing, traffic, carriages, fares, annual cost, 9. Annual expenditure, locomotive engines, passenger-traffic, receipts, 10.

AYLESBURY RAILWAY - Description of, 10. Course of line, 10. Gauge, ruling inclination, permanent way, level crossings, station, 11. Locomotive engines, original capital, original estimate, act of incorporation, opening of line, trains, passenger-traffic, 12. Cost of line, 13.

BALLOCHNEY RAILWAY-Description of, 13. Act of parliament, course of line, permanent way, gauge, ruling inclination of, part worked by locomotives, self-acting plane, wagons, 14.

BIRMINGHAM AND DERBY JUNCTION RAILWAY-Description of, 15. Experiments on, 449. Course of the line, gradients, bridges, level crossings, 15. Permanent way, fencing, width of land, gauge, stations, 18. Carriages, locomotives, coke, trains, 17. Acts of parliament, capital, traffic, fares, receipts, opening of the line, ratio of cost to revenue, 18.

BIRMINGHAM AND GLOUCESTER RAILWAY - Description of, 19. Course of line, 19. Curves, acts of parliament, capital, inclinations, 20. Length of line, earthworks, bridges, 23. Level crossings, permanent way, gauge, 24. Stations, 26. Carriages, 27. Wagons, locomotive engines, 29. Coke, 30. Locomotives-station, cost of the railway, 31. Opening of line, fares, 32.

BISHOP AUCKLAND AND WEARDALE RAILWAY - Description of, 32. Course of line, curves, gradients, 32. Length of line, earthworks, bridges, tunnel, gauge, 33. Rails, act of incorporation, capital, 34.

BODMIN AND WADEBRIDGE RAILWAY -Description of, 34. Openings of line, 34. Act, direction of line, inclinations, gauge, earthworks, fencing, permanent way, 35. Bridges, locomotives, coal, 36. Water-stations, ordinary loads, carriage-department, traffic, fares, wagons, signals, annual charges, establishment, acts of parliament, capital, 37. Cost of railway, 38.

BOLTON AND LEIGH RAILWAY - Description of, 38. Capital, acts of parliament, lease to Mr. Hargreaves, 38. Inclinations, length of line, bridges, level crossings, 39. Gauge, permanent way, fencing, stations and depot, 40. Locomotives-establishment, wagons-establishment, carriage-department, 41. Turn-tables, wagons, locomotive engines, 42. Coke, stationary engines, passenger-trains, fares, traffic, receipts, 43.


BRANDLING JUNCTION RAILWAY-Description of, 44. Course of line, lengths of main line and branches, drops, 44. Gauge, permanent way, earthworks, drainage, fencing, bridges, level crossings, 45. Level railway-crossings, stations and depots, 46. Fixed engine, carriage-department,

47.      Wagons, locomotive-department, coke, openings of line, fares, trains, 48. Cost of line, 49. Traffic, receipts, 50.

CANTERBURY AND WHITSTABLE RAILWAY-Description of, 50. Acts of parliament, opening of line, fixed engines, locomotive engine, horses, course of line, inclinations, 50. Length of line, traffic in coals, power of engines, gauge, permanent way, lease to Messrs. Nicholson and Bayliss, 51.

CHESTER AND BIRKENHEAD RAILWAY - Description of; 51. Acts, capital, course of line, inclinations, length of line, 52. Earthworks, contracts, number of men and horses employed, bridges, tunnel, 53. Viaduct, gauge of way, width of land, permanent way, carriages, engines, 54. Preliminary expenses, 55.

CHESTER AND CREWE RAILWAY - Description of; 55. Acts of parliament, arrangement with Grand Junction Company, 55. Course of line, curves, inclinations, earthworks, bridges, 56. Aqueduct, gauge, permanent way, fencing, drains, carriages, 57.

CLARENCE RAILWAY - Description of; 58. Acts of parliament, capital, course of line, branches, 58. Length of main line and branches, curves, general inclinations, earthworks, 59. Bridges, gauge, permanent way, mile-standards, contract for keeping permanent way in order, lease of passenger-traffic to Mr. Walton, trains, carriages, 60. Coach drawn by horse, passenger-traffic, Mr. Walton's engines, coal, trains, coal-engines, 61. Ordinary loads, contract with engine-drivers, cost of coal, tonnage of coal per annum, drops, 62.

DUBLIN AND KINGSTOWN RAILWAY Description of, 62. Acts of parliament, capital, cost of works, course of line, inclinations, curves, 63. Earthworks, bridges, 64. Level crossings, gauge, permanent way, 65. Cost "of maintenance of way, stations, carriage-department, 66. Carriage-building establishment, wages of carriage-builders, cost of repairs of carriages, locomotive engines, 68. Cost of engines, coke, duty Of engines, 69. Locomotives-station, cost of locomotive power, 70. Trains, fares, traffic, receipts and expenditure, 71.

DURHAM JUNCTION RAILWAY - Description of, 72. Length of line, course, curves, inclinations, permanent way, 72. Bridges, Victoria viaduct, cost of; act of incorporation, capital, 73.

DURHAM AND SUNDERLAND RAILWAY - Description of; 74. Want of proper signals, acts of parliament, capital, course of line, 74. Inclinations, earthworks, bridges, gauge, permanent way, stationary engines, stationary engine-planes, 76. Carriages, 77. Passenger-traffic, revenue, wagons, usual loads, permanent way kept in order by contract, way-leaves, 78.

DUNDEE AND ARBROATH RAILWAY-Description of, 79. Experiments on, 450. Gauge, act of incorporation, capital, course of line, 79. Curves, inclinations, length of line, earthworks, bridges, gauge, stations and depot, 80. Carriages, locomotives, 81. Trains, opening of line, passenger-traffic for eight months after opening, receipts, expense of working line, ratio of cost to revenue, salaries of officers, 82.

DUNDEE AND NEWTYLE RAILWAY - Description of, 83. Acts of parliament, capital, course of line, inclinations, curves, gauge, permanent way, 83. Slopes planted, stations, stationary engines, 84. Locomotives, 85. Coke, carriages, wagons, loads, establishment, salaries, and wages, 86. Trains, fares, amount of traffic for six years, Coupar Angus and Glammis branches, 87. Lengths of branches, 88.

EASTERN COUNTIES RAILWAY Description of, 88. Population of counties through which it was proposed to pass, act of parliament, capital, course of the line, 88. Inclinations, earthworks, 89. Level crossings, London viaduct, London stations, 90. Iron-girder bridge over Dog Row ,gauge permanent way, fencing, 91. Distance-standards wanting, intermediate stations, carriages, trains, time occupied, 92. Length of present line, locomotives, 93. Cost of line, Mr. Robert Stephenson's report, 94. Subdivisions of estimated cost of line to Colchester, 95.

EDINBURGH AND DALKEITH RAILWAY-Description of, 95. Acts of parliament, 95. Capital, openings of line, inclinations, curves, Leith branch, Mussleburgh branch, earthworks, tunnel, gauge, 96. Permanent way, number of waymen, annual cost of keeping way in order, fencing, stations, and depot, establishment, bugle used, 97. Carriages, trains, 98. Wages of servants, horses at Edinburgh depot, usual load for a horse, cost of keeping horses, passenger-traffic, receipts, coal-traffic, stationary engine, 99. Average gross loads, signals, self-acting stopper, persons employed on, and annual expense of working Edinburgh fixed-engine plane, 100. Annual expenses in detail for the years 1837, 1838, and 1839, 101. Revenue for three years, profit for three years, ratio of disbursements to revenue, 102.

EDINBURGH AND GLASGOW RAILWAY - Description of; 102. Acts of parliament, capital, course of line, curves, inclinations, 103. Length of line, earthworks, tunnels, bridges, viaducts, skew bridge, 104. Gauge, permanent way, fencing, preliminary expenses, cost of railway, 105.

EDINBURGH AND NEWHAVEN RAILWAY - Description of; 106. Acts of parliament, 106. Capital, course of line, curves, length of line, width of land, earthworks, 107. Quantity of earthwork, cost of; tunnel, bridges, cost of; ballasting, fencing, retaining-walls, cost of railway, 108.

GARNKIRK AND GLASGOW RAILWAY - Description of, 109. Experiments on, 450. Acts of parliament, capital, course of line, curves, earthworks, bridges, gauge, permanent way, 110. Stations and depots, carriage-department, wagons, I 1 . Locomotives, coal, trains, traffic for eight years, 112. Passengers per diem, receipts per diem, gross receipts and expenditure for 1839, cost of the railway, 113.

GLASGOW, PAISLEY, AND AYR RAILWAY - Description of, 113. Acts of parliament, capital, course of line, curves, 114. Kilmarnock Branch, its length, gradients, summit-level, distance of Kilmarnock from Glasgow, earthworks, bridges, viaducts, 115. Tunnel, stations, gauge, permanent way, 116. Fencing, distance-standards, carriages, 117. Stanhopes, locomotives, weight of, cost of, average rate of travelling, passenger-traffic, fares, cost of railway, 118.

GLASGOW, PAISLEY, AND GREENOCK RAILWAY-Description of, 119. Acts of parliament, opening to Paisley, course of line, curves, inclinations, length of line, 120. Branches to Port Glasgow and Greenock Dock, height of summit, earthworks, men and horses employed, 121. Bridges, viaducts, gauge, permanent way, locomotives, 122. Original estimate, expected income,' estimated cost of working line, cost of railway, 123.

GRAND JUNCTION RAILWAY- Description of; 124. Experiments on, 451. Estimated cost, acts of parliament, capital, course of line, 125. Curves, inclinations, 126. Earthworks, bridges, viaducts, gauge, permanent way, 127. Stations and depots, 128 to 130. Carriage-department, 131, 132. Fares, passenger-traffic, receipts and expenditure, 133. Receipts, net profit, locomotives-department, 134. Cokes, consumption of; trains, average gross weight of; average velocity of; shares, 135. Cost of railway, cost of working line, 136. Annual expenditure, 137.

GREAT NORTH OF ENGLAND RAILWAY-Description of, 137. Original estimate, acts of parliament, capital, course of line, 138. Inclinations, length of line, 139. Earthworks, bridges, gauge, permanent way, 140. Stations, locomotive engines, 141.

GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY- Description of, 141. Experiments on, 456. Acts of parliament, capital, 142. Original capital, course of line, 143. Gradients, levels, 144. Earthworks, cost of, 145. Tunnels, 146 to 148. Viaducts and Bridges, 149,150. Gauge, permanent way,151. Fencing, width of Land,152. Mile-standards, stations, carriage-department, CONTENTS.

153 to 157. Openings of line, trains, 158. Passenger-traffic, fares, locomotive engines, 159. Practical experiments, coke consumed, coke-ovens, 160. Annual charges, ratio of annual cost to revenue, cost of the work, 161.

HULL AND SELBY RAILWAY-Description of, 162. Act of parliament, capital, shares, course of line, length of line, gradients, 163. Bridges, earthworks, gauge, 164. Permanent way, stations, carriages, locomotive engines, 165. Water-stations, reservoir, trains, fares, opening of line, passenger-traffic, cost of the line, 166. Original estimate, parliamentary estimate, loan, excess of cost accounted for, 167.

LANCASTER AND PRESTON RAILWAY-DesXViiicription of, 167. Acts of parliament, capital, loan, original estimated cost, estimated revenue, course of the line, inclinations, 168. Curves, earthworks, cost of, contracts, Lancaster contract finished by the company, 169. Bridges and viaducts, gauge, 170. Permanent way, drainage, fencing, 171. Field-gates, stations, carriages, locomotive engines, trains, fares, opening of line, excess of cost, original estimated cost per mile, 172.

LEEDS AND SELBY RAILWAY-Description of, 173. Experiments on, 460. Acts of parliament, capital, shares, loans, 173. Opening of line, course, inclinations, gradients, 174. Curves, earthworks, 175. Tunnel, bridges, 176. Level crossings, land, gauge, permanent way, mile-standards, 177. Fencing, stations, and depOts, 178. Carriages and wagons, 179. Weight of carriages and wagons, trains, 180; passenger-traffic, fares, signals, tickets, average weight of trains, average velocity, locomotive engines, 181. Assistant engines ; notice to engine-drivers and firemen as to wasting coke, description of coke, establishment, 182. Cost of working the line, 183. Profits, 184.

LEICESTER AND SWANNINGTON RAILWAY-Description of, 184. Acts of Parliament, capital, loans, 184. General direction, inclinations, gauge, permanent way, tunnel, carriages, 185. Locomotives, fares, traffic, receipts for 1837, 1838, 1839, average profit per annum, cost of maintenance of way, original estimate, actual cost per mile, 186.

LIVERPOOL AND MANCHESTER RAILWAY - Description of, 186. Experiments on, 462. Acts of Parliament, original estimate, capital, 187. Shares, loan, general route, inclinations, 188. Length of line, earthworks, earthen mounds on embankments, tunnels, 189. Bridges, viaducts, fencing, different kinds of ballast, gauge, permanent way, different sections of rails, stations and depots, 191. Stations and depots, 192. Stationary engines at Edgeliill, 193. Newton station, 194. Crown Street depot, 195. Number and wages of smiths, strikers, &c., preparation of wooden keys, 195. Tank for kyanizing timbers, old tunnel-station fixed engines, 196. Men employed at, wages of, Wapping depot, 197. Gauge for loaded wagons, number of wagons, persons employed at Wapping depot, tonnage of merchandise, rates of charge, 198. Manchester depot and station, 198 to 201. Coal depot, 201. Treatment of horses, 202. Porters' weekly pay-bill, warehouse establishment, wages of persons employed at, Manchester locomotives-station, water-tank, introduction of steam-pipes into, 202. Liverpool locomotives-station, carriage-shed, assistant engines, 203. Locomotives, cokes, cost of, carriage-department, wagons, 204. Timber-trucks, coke-wagons, trains, horses used at Manchester station, tickets, 205. Engine-driver's duty, goods weighed, passenger-traffic, receipts, ratio of first to second-class passengers, fares, 206. Agreement with Grand Junction Company, gross receipts for 1837, 1838, and 1839, average weight of trains, average velocity, stoppages, 207. Signals and regulations, 207, 208. Local signals and rules, 208. Signals at foot of Whiston Incline, at Newton Junction, 209. Permanent way, receipts and expenditure, cost of construction, original estimate exceeded, 210. Rules and regulations, 210 to 213. Rules for passing the inclined planes, 214. Notice to enginemen with ballast-trains, rules to be observed during a fog, orders to gate and policemen, 215. Brakesman's orders, general orders, 216. Instances of fines and dismissal, 217. LONDON AND BIRMINGHAM RAILWAY - Description of, 218. Experiments on, 467. Acts of parliament, 218, 219. Capital, loans, shares, calls, openings of the line, 219. General course, curves, gradients, 220. Fixed-engine planes, 221. Prevailing gradient, gauge, 222. Permanent way, 223. Drainage, fencing, distance-standards, earthworks, 224. Original estimated amount of earthworks, viaducts and bridges, iron tie-bridge, 225. Tunnels, 226. Stations and depots, revised estimate for stations, cost of stations and depots, Euston station, 227, 228. Fixed-engine planes, Camden depot, fixed engines, 229. Fixed engines, 230, 231. Cost of working inclined planes, locomotives-station, coke-ovens, 232. Coals used for coking, number of men employed at coke-ovens, wages of, Tring station, 233. Wolverton locomotives and passenger-stations, 234 to 237. Rugby station, 238. Coventry station, 239, 240. Rates and tolls, 240. Birmingham station, 240, 241. Birmingham locomotives-station, 242. Coke used at Birmingham station, establishment at coke-depot, 243. Birmingham goods-depot, carriage-department, 244. Carriage-department, 245 to 247. Travelling post-office, 246. Men employed in carriage-building department, repairs of carriages for one year ; wagons, cost of, capacity of, 247. Weight of iron-work in a wagon, wagons-building and repairing-sheds, trains, mail-trains, 248. Fares, passenger-traffic, average receipts per week and per annum, locomotive engines, 249. Some of Mr. Bury's reasons for preferring four-wheel engines, 249. Ballast-engines, average weight of trains, average speed, stoppages, number of passenger-engines, analysed account of work done, coke consumed, and cost of working locomotives, number of goods-engines, coke consumed, 250. Expenditure in locomotive-department, the establishment, 251, 252. Permanent way kept in repair by contract, tool-boxes, cost of the undertaking, 252, 253. Original estimate, 253. Expenses of working line, and revenue, 254, 255. Profit, 255.

LONDON AND BLACKWALL RAILWAY - Description of, 255. Different plans proposed for, 256, 257. Capital, shares, course of line, 257. Inclinations, length of line, 258. Viaduct and bridges, 259. Earthwork, gauge, permanent way, stations, 260 to 262. Fixed engines, 262, 263. Ropes, sheeves, number of; wooden sheeve, 264. Mode of working the line, 265, 266. Number of daily trains, consumption of coal, and cost; men employed, carriages, 266, 267. Fares, Edmondson's ticketing-system, opening of line, revenue, 267. Cost of railway, 268. Electro-galvanic telegraph, 269.

LONDON AND BRIGHTON RAILWAY-Description of, 269. Cost of parliamentary contest, 269. Acts of parliament, capital, shares, course of line, 270. Length of line, inclinations, 271. Earthworks, 271, 272. Bridges, viaducts, tunnels, estimated cost of, gauge, width of land, permanent way, 273. Fencing, cost of undertaking, 274. Excess over revised estimate, opening of Shoreham branch, cost per mile, passenger-traffic on Shoreham branch, locomotive engines, 275.

LONDON AND CROYDON RAILWAY-Description of, 275. Experiments on, 471. Acts of parliament, capital, course of line, curvature, 276. Inclinations, earthworks, bridges, 277, 278. Level crossings, gauge, 278. Permanent way, distance-standards, stations, 279, 280. Carriages, trains, fares, 281, 282. Passenger-traffic and receipts, locomotives, cost of the railway, rates and tolls, 282. Cost of the railway, revenue, 283.

LONDON AND GREENWICH RAILWAY-Description of, 284. Acts of parliament, capital, 284. Shares, loans, course of line, length of line, viaduct, 285, 286. Gauge, permanent way, 286, 287. Stations, 287, 288. Carriages, fares, trains, passenger-traffic, establishment, 289 to 291. Locomotives, coke, increase of revenue by raising fares ; revenue and disbursements in 1839, 290, 291. Original estimate, 291.

LONDON AND SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY- Description of, 292. Experiments on, 472. Acts of parliament, capital, shares, 292, 293. Course of line, length, inclinations, 293. Earthworks, original estimate for earthworks, 294. Bridges and tunnels, width of land, gauge, permanent way, 295, 296. Stations, 296, 297. Coke-ovens, 297, 298. An intermediate station, carviages, locomotive engines, trains (average weight of), average speed, stoppages, fares, passenger-traffic, 299. Openings of line, cost of railway, expenditure on account of Gosport branch, annual receipts and disbursements, 300, 301.

MANCHESTER AND BIRMINGHAM RAILWAY-Description of, 301. Manchester South Union Railway, Manchester, Cheshire, and Staffordshire Railway, 301, 302. Acts of parliament, capital, shares, course of line, 302. Macclesfield branch, 303. Inclinations from Manchester to Stockport, earthworks, Manchester viaduct, skew arches, skew bridge over Fairfield Street, 303, 304. Bridges, Stockport viaduct, 304, 305. Gauge, permanent way, fencing, 305. Locomotive engines, carriages, fares, opening of line, traffic in passengers, receipts, total receipts and expenditure, 306.

MANCHESTER AND BOLTON RAILWAY - Description of, 306. Acts of parliament, capital, shares, course of line, curvature, inclinations, 307, 308. Earthworks, bridges, gauge, permanent way, 308, 309. Drainage and fencing, carriages, 309. Stations, opening of line, traffic, receipts, 310, 311. Fares, tickets, locomotive engines, trains, 311. Coke (consumption of), original estimate, cost of engines, interest on mortgages and loans, gross revenue, advantages to this line of the Bolton and Preston Railway, and the proposed extension to the Manchester and Leeds Railway, 312.

MANCHESTER AND LEEDS RAILWAY- Description of; 312. Importance of this line, 313. Acts of parliament, capital, shares, course of line, 314, 315. Inclinations, 315, 316. Earthworks, 316. Diversions of rivers, bridges and viaducts, tunnels, 317, 318, 319. Gauge, permanent way, fencing, mile-standards, stations and depot, 319, 320. Carriage-department, Stanhopes, 320, 321. Edmondson's ticketing-system, average weight of trains, 321. Openings of line, traffic in passengers, fares, locomotive engines, Low Moor coke, receipts and expenditure, cost of locomotive power, &c. per diem, 322. Cost of the undertaking, parliamentary estimate, 323, 324.

MIDLAND COUNTIES RAILWAY-Description of, 324. Acts of parliament, capital, shares, openings of line, course of line, 325. Inclinations, 326. Earthworks, 327. Wages of artificers, 327, 328. Bridges and viaducts, 328, 329. Tunnels, gauge, permanent way, 329, 330. Stations, 330 to 332. Derby trijunct station, locomotives, carriages, Stanhopes, fares, 332, 333. Receipts for passengers and merchandise, passenger-traffic, proportion of second to first-class passengers, trains, estimate, cost of railway, 333, 334. Total revenue and expenditure, 334.

NEWCASTLE AND CARLISLE RAILWAY - Description of, 334. Experiments on, 474. Acts of parliament, shares, loans, openings of line, 335. Course of line, branch to Redheugh, inclinations and lengths, 336, 337. Curves, earthworks, 337, 338. Bridges, 338. Level crossings, width of land, gauge, permanent way, 339, 340. Drainage, fencing, 340. Mile-standards, stations and depots, 341 to 343. Carriages, 344, 345. Wagons, mail-guards, mails, 345, 346. Locomotives, usual working pressure, 346. Coke-ovens, 347, 348. Trains, fares, 348. Edmondson's ticketing-system, 349. Traffic, revenue, profit, cost of undertaking, 350. Amount of salaries and wages, 351.

NEWCASTLE AND NORTH SHIELDS RAILWAY-Description of, 351. Course of line, 351. Curves,

inclinations, and lengths, earthworks, 352, 353. Laminating wooden viaducts, 353, 354. Bridges, short tunnel, level crossings, gauge, permanent way, 355, 356. Fences, width of land, cost of

stations, 356, 357. Carriages, 357, 358. Fares, opening of the line, traffic in passengers, locomotive engines, usual working pressure, 358. Trains, coke, the establishment, salaries and wages, acts of parliament, cost of railway, gross receipts, ratio of disbursements to revenue, 359. Cost of locomotive power, &c., 360.

NORTHERN AND EASTERN RAILWAY - Description of, 360. Best line to York, acts of parliament, 360, 361. Course of line, inclinations, 361. Earthworks, bridges, level crossings, 362. Gauge, permanent way of the most complete description, drainage, 363. Fencing, mile-standards ,stations, 364. Carriages, engines, trains, 365. Fares, opening of line, passenger-traffic, rent to Eastern Counties Railway Company, cost of undertaking, 366.

NORTH MIDLAND RAILWAY, 367-Acts of parliament, capital, shares, course of line, 368. Curves, inclinations, 369, 370. Earthworks, contracts, 370. Tunnels, viaducts, bridges, 371, 372. Gauge, permanent way, 372, 373. Fencing, 373. Mile-standards, stations and depots, Derby trijunct station, 374, 375. Stations, 376, 377. Carriage-department, trains, fares, double tickets, receipts, 377. Locomotive engines, coke, cost of the undertaking, 378, 379.

NORTH UNION RAILWAY-Description of, 380. Experiments on, 476. Union of Wigan Branch Railway and Preston and Wigan Railway, acts of parliament, capital, 380, 381. Shares, course of line, inclinations, 381, 382. New Springs Branch, earthworks, 382, 383. Tunnels, bridges, 383, 384. Gauge, permanent way, 384, 385. Fencing, stations and depots, 385, 386. Carriages, 386, 387. Trains, fares, opening of line, 388. Locomotive engines, 388. Detailed cost of railway, 388, 389. Receipts and expenditure, 389, 390.

PAISLEY AND RENFREW RAILWAY-Description of, 391. Course of line, earthworks, bridges, width of land, gauge, permanent way, fencing, stations, 391, 392. Carriages, 392, 393. Trains, fares, passenger-traffic, traffic reduced by raising fares, locomotive engines, 393. The establishment, 394. Act of parliament, cost of railway, capital, receipts and expenditure, 394.

SHEFFIELD AND ROTHERHAM RAILWAY-Description of, 395. Acts of parliament, capital, shares, course of line, 395. Inclinations, length of line, earthworks, bridges, 396, 397. Width of land, gauge, permanent way, drainage, fencing, stations and depots, 397, 398. Carriages, wagons, 398, 399. Trains, fares, tickets, opening of line, passenger-traffic, locomotive engines, coke, the establishment, 399, 400. Receipts and expenditure, 400.

SLAMANNAN RAILWAY-Description of, 400. Acts of parliament, course of line, curves, inclinations, 401, 402. Length of line, earthworks, 402, 403. Bridges, level crossings, gauge, permanent way, 403, 404. Drainage, fencing, 404. Cost of railway, 405.

SOUTH-EASTERN RAILWAY -Description of, 405. Proposed Kent and Central Kent Railways, 405. Course of line, gradients, 406, 407. Earthworks, tunnels, 407. Bridges, 407, 408. Shakspere tunnel, 409, 410. Sea-wall, Abbot's Cliff tunnel, Martello Tower tunnel, and other works, 410, 411. Estimates, gauge, fencing, acts of parliament, 411, 412. Arrangement with the Brighton Railway Company, original parliamentary estimate, receipts and expenditure, 412, 413.

STOCKTON AND DARLINGTON RAILWAY-Description of, 413. Experiments on, 477. Acts of parliament, 413. Capital, course of line, levels and inclinations, 414, 415. Bridges, gauge, 415. Fencing, distance-standards, waymen's cots, stations and depots, coal depots, 416, 417. Carriages, 417. Coal-owners. 417. Wagons, fares, trains, cow or trailer, passenger-traffic, signals at inclined planes, 418. Locomotives, 419 to 422. Average weight of trains, average speed, coal, coke, waymen (wages of), annual dividends, price of shares, 423.

STOCKTON AND HARTLEPOOL RAILWAY-Description of, 424. Course of line, gradients, land, 424. Fencing, earthworks, gauge, 425. Bridges, culverts, level crossings, cost of railway, locomotive engines, 426. Expected traffic, 427.

WHITBY AND PICKERING RAILWAY-Description of, 427. Acts of parliament, course of line, 427, 428. Curves, levels, inclinations, length of line, bridges, tunnel, 428. Gauge, permanent way, carriages, self-acting plane, 429, 430.

ULSTER RAILWAY-Description of, 430. Acts of parliament, capital, shares, course of line, length, curves, inclinations, 431, 432. Earthworks, bridges, 432, 433. Level crossings, gauge, permanent way, 433, 434. Drainage, fencing, width of land, stations, 434. Carriage-department, locomotive engines, 435, 436. Cost of engines, trains, the establishment, signals, cost of line between Belfast and Lisburn, 430, 437. Traffic, receipts, 437.

YORK AND NORTH MIDLAND RAILWAY—Description of, 437. Experiments on, 478. Course of line, curves, 438. Inclinations, earthworks, bridges, 439, 440. Wages of artificers, gauge, 440. Permanent way, 440, 441. Fencing, stations, 441, 442. Carriage-department, trains, fares, passenger-traffic, receipts, 442. Acts of parliament, openings of line, locomotives-department, coke, wages of engine-men, cost of railway, 444, 445. Cost of working the line, receipts, lease of the Leeds and Selby Railway, 445.

PRACTICAL RAILWAY EXPERIMENTS—Account of, 446 to 481 inclusive. Classification of gradients, 446. Classification of locomotive engines, 446, 447.

RECIPROCATING SYSTEM OF RAILWAYS—Description of, 482. Land and fencing, 483. Earthworks, 483 to 485. Drainage, 485, 486. Tunnels, 486, 487. Bridges and viaducts, 487,488. Level crossings, 488. Permanent way, 489, 490. Stations and depots, 491, 492. Coke-ovens, 492. Mode of carrying on the traffic, 492 to 495. Furnishing the line, 495, 496. The establishment, 496. Locomotive engines, coke, estimated cost of construction, 497, 498. Estimated cost of furnishing the line, estimated revenue, 499. Expenses of working the line, conclusion, 500.


Comprehensive, and at the same time authentic and detailed books dealing with the early locomotive railway period are not numerous. Francis Whishaw's Railways of Great Britain and Ireland published in 1840 is a monumental work containing an exhaustive general and technical account of nearly all the railways open or under construction at that time.
The value of this book lies in the wealth of detailed information it contains and the unimpeachable sources from which this was drawn, giving it a high accuracy rating.
Although Whishaw has been used by some railway historians, increasingly so in recent years, its scarcity is probably responsible for neglect by a wider range of users. This reprint with a new Introduction by C. R. Clinker, should draw the attention of researchers to its importance and encourage greater use of a contemporary source which deserves to be better known.

All pictures are of the actual item.  If this is a railroad item, this material is obsolete and no longer in use by the railroad.  Please email with questions. Publishers of Train Shed Cyclopedias and Stephans Railroad Directories. Large inventory of railroad books and magazines. Thank you for buying from us.

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