150 Years of Train Models by Hal Carstens 400 photos Hard Cover Copyright 1999

  • $15.00

RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
150 Years of Train Models by Hal Carstens 400 photos Hard Cover Copyright 1999
150 Years of Train Models by Hal Carstens
400 photos
Hard Cover
Copyright 1999
152 pages

3A Dedication
5High School and the Army
14Invention of the Steam Railroad
19150 Year Old Models
20The First Known Hobby Railroad
27Model Craftsman is Born
32Early Hobby Days
33MCPC moves to Ramsey
34NMRA is Born
381939 New York Word Fair
42Pearl Harbor
43HO vs 00
46Wartime Rail Photography
49TT is Born
50Then Came HO
53Mystic Knights of the Rusty Rail
54Ramsey Journal Building
54Early Hobby Kits
59Early Kits Were Scarce
66George D. Stock
67Stephan Schaffan
69Sondel Doniger, X-Acto
71William Schopp
72The Polk Brothers
81EMRRMA at the Barn
82RRing in 1880, 1920, 1960, 1975
86Death of a landmark
90      MIA & EMRRMA
94The Hobby Industry Assn.
98A College Exam: 1952
98Day the Trains Stopped Running
99Founding of TIOS
101Chicago's Big Snow: 1967
104The HIAA President Years
106The Rebirth of No. 1 Gauge
107Glue Sniffing
108The World Gets Smaller
110Model Railroad Industry Assn
112N Scale
113Post War Aftermath
115Wood Kits
117Joe is an O Gauger
1181943 was Yesterday
119Post War
120The Railroads Rebuild
121Hobby Shopping & Brass
123Augie Kniff
123Sherman Dance: Gandy Dancer
124The Carstens' Specials
126The Craftsman Trophy
128Steamboatin' with E. J. Quinby
129Bernie Paul
130Kramer buys Varney, etc.
132Champ goes of the Gold
134Why the HIA Star Logo?
135MRC's First Fifty Years
135Iry Athearn and John Munson
137Howe & French, Ambroid
143Tootsietoy - Strombecker
148Famous Modelers
149D. C. NMRA Convention
150HIAA Meritorious Award
150HIAA Past Presidents
150HIAA Lifetime Members (RR)
150MRIA Past Presidents
150MRIA Hall of Fame
151NMRA Pioneers of Model RRing
151TCA Past Presidents
152TCA Honorary Members
152TTOS Past Presidents
152TIOS Honorary Members
152Hobby & Trade Associations
152Craftsman Trophy Winners
This book started out to be a simple, selected compilation of my Dispatcher's Report column from the pages of RAILROAD MODEL CRAFTSMAN. As the material was gathered it developed into a history of the model railroad hobby from its earliest years until the late 1970s. Photographs came from my personal files as well as from the RAILROAD MODEL CRAFTSMAN library and a number of other sources.
It would be impossible to include everybody who had a part in creating the early days of the hobby. Photographs of some important early pioneers were not available to me as the book grew in scope. Perhaps more photos will turn up after this book is printed. The same is true of many of the early modelers who played an important role in promoting scale model railroading, collecting scale and toy trains, creating standards so locos and cars were interchangeable and those who worked, sometimes behind the scenes, to organize the trade and consumer associations which helped our model railroad hobbies grow and stabilize. The hobby and industry could not have grown without their efforts.
The manufacturers, wholesalers, dealers and consultants listed in this book have given freely of their time and effort to help the hobby grow. So have the pioneers who formed NMRA, TCA, TTOS and other smaller organizations to create platforms where modelers and collectors could meet and share ideas, create standards for operating and collecting, and make new friends.

All pictures are of the actual item.  There may be reflection from the lights in some photos.   We try to take photos of any damage.    If this is a railroad item, this material is obsolete and no longer in use by the railroad.  Please email with questions. Publishers of Train Shed Cyclopedias and Stephans Railroad Directories. Large inventory of railroad books and magazines. Thank you for buying from us.

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